Clothing Collection Program
Questions & Answers
1) What will it cost the host site?
There is no cost to the host site. Decaling, placement and all maintenance is the responsibility of Alberta Community Clothing Company Ltd.
2) What is the benefit for the host location?
The bin can be decaled indicating that it is proudly sponsored by the host site. Donors to the bin become customers of the host site. When they drop off in the bin, they most likely will stop to pick up some items in your store. Your store location gets advertised on our website and when possible promoted in emails and society literature.
3) Do we sign a contract?
No contracts are signed, unless the host site has one for Alberta Community Clothing Collection to sign. If the program works, everyone is happy: if there is a problem Alberta Community Clothing removes the bin immediately, and we thank you for your participation.
4) Are the Clothing Bins insured?
Yes every Clothing Bin has liability insurance. Alberta Community Clothing Collection Ltd. can provide a certificate when a clothing bin is placed.
5) How often are the Clothing bins emptied?
Most Clothing bins are emptied everyday, there are a few that are emptied every other day and some that get emptied twice a day.
6) Can people pull items out of the bins?
No! It has been proven that our modified mail box style entry chute completely prevents any person from accessing items that have been donated.
7) If I have concerns, who do I call?
There is a contact number on the collection bin and Alberta Community Clothing Collection Ltd. will respond to any questions or concerns right away, or you can call the Clothing Bin program manager, Riley Fitzpatrick 1-403-926-1773, or by email at:
8) How do we generate funds for our programs?
Money is paid to our society based on the weight of product collected from each bin.